quinta-feira, maio 29, 2008

European Project Sócrates/ODL Profiles in ICT for Teachers Education

Date: 1999/2001

Occupation or position held
Member of the Pilote-group Profiles in ICT for Teachers Education

European Project Sócrates/ODL Profiles in ICT for Teachers Education, Projecto nº 71135-CP-1-1999-PT-ODL, Coordenated by TDC company – Tecnologias da Comunicação


The Project aims to define the profile of a Comunication and Information Technologies, conceive a Course about the CIT and its respective implementation in e-learning using the WEBCT platform.

Responsibilities of the ESES representatives on the project:

- Creation of the 2nd module. E-mail in educational context;

- Implementation of the Curse with Licentiate course students:

- December 3rd and 4th 2001 – Implementation on the 3rd years classes of pre-school Teachers licentiates and the 4th years Elementary Teachers licentiates;

- May 18th 2001 – Implementation on the 4th year class of Technological and Visual Education at ESES.

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