segunda-feira, fevereiro 02, 2009

FDTI Project

Date: Since 2009

Occupation or position held

Coordenator for FDTI Project

With 14950€ finacement

Project for promoting virtual worlds for young students


This Project aims implementing a virtual conference and workshop on Second Life the following March 19th.

This Project aims:

· Dynamize a digital citizenship themed conference

· Dynamize workshopd about the construction of:


Sl Initiation

Photography in SL

SL Fashion

Machinima and Building in SL

Island "Inovação e Criatividade"

Date: April 26th and 27th 2009

Occupation or position held

Coordenator for the Island Inovação e Criatividade construction project (DJIJC)

The Financing for the project 25000 Euros.

Island Inovação e Criatividade


The Centro de Competências in CIT at ESE de Santarém (CCESES) and the Coordination for the Master’s Degree in MEC at ESES are hereby presenting, as solicited by the Coordination for the DGIDC, a proposition for group of activities that aim to contribute to stimulate the usage of virtual worlds in educational environments, such as Second Life.

ESES’s contribution will be, namely, by fulfilling the following activities and initiatives, to be developed throughout the Academic year of 2008/2009:

1 – Design and built an Island in Second Life that will gather into a whole:
• Spaces destined to each one of the Centro de Competências (CIT and ECRIE).
• Spaces destined to the Projects for Formação Contínua em Matemática, Ensino Experimental das Ciências and Ensino do Português.
• Virtual Conference Room
• Support Office
• Private Meeting Room
• Social Area
• Involving Structures (gardens, paths…)

2 – Promotion, in connection with ECRIE, of a presentation so that the Departments for Skills and all the other involved entities can came acquainted with the project’s educational dimension and with all the functionalities to implement.

3 – Support in designing the training for the users, material conception and other needed resources.
4– Promotion, in connection with ECRIE, of a presentation for the Departments for Skills and all the other involved entities about the maintenance and management of the spaces and resources. Availability of management resources and training for their usage.
5 – Support for technical and educational usage of Second Life in general, and in the island in particular, trough the Social Area and dinamization of a hands on community.
6 – Technical Support for the acquisition of the island from Linden Lab through DGDIC/ECRIE
7 – Creation of branding elements and production of a promotional video for the project.